1·Algorithms that study buying patterns, for instance, are used to detect fraud.
2·Still, deviations can be used in other scenarios than just to detect fraud or malicious manipulation.
3·In a statement, it said it used "automated tools" to detect fraud, as a well as a team of moderators.
4·With this real-time information, consumers are instantly able to verify legitimate use of their account or detect fraud.
5·She argues that the focus now should be on ways to detect fraud before it happens, "rather than simply hoping it will be better this time".
6·In-line decision support analytics can be used to support regulatory compliance, perform conflict management, and detect threat and fraud.
7·Spreading the click fraud out across thousands of sites makes it harder to detect, but it also requires a lot more people to perpetrate it.
8·This can be used to avoid fraud or to detect customers that deserve special attention.
9·And from this data, combined with the new software, we were able to detect the fraud.
10·Extraction of fields from messages for input into products designed to detect patterns in messages (for example, for fraud detection), using a product such as WebSphere Business events.
从消息提取字段,并使用WebSphere Business Events等产品将字段输入到用于发现消息中的模式(例如,诈骗检测)的指定产品中。